MurphyMeyers | Delivering workplace designed for more.

Pragmatism and Creativity at Work


MurphyMeyers is an Atlanta-based full-service interior design firm that simplifies process and amplifies service.

Launched by industry veterans and career-long fellows Lindsay Murphy and Jeanette Meyers, this founding duo has steadily tested their human approach to design, digging deep to unearth their clients’ true needs and craft a right-fit process destined to make space for more. With organic, patient growth and a compelling portfolio of places and spaces to share, MurphyMeyers came to Nimble. to distinguish its brand voice, clarify its brand message and promote its undeniable reasons to believe for the loyal base of landlords, start-ups and workplace enthusiasts it serves through print, digital and social channels.


We began our process with a deep-dive discovery and in-depth messaging workshop, where we identified the who, what, where and why behind MurphyMeyers’ success to-date and its strategy for continued brand success, clarifying elements of its original identity that were here to stay and those that required clever reimagining.


Through foundational brand positioning, we resolved key messages and a tagline call-to-action that amplifies service and in turn simplifies process, speaking directly to the pragmatic meets creative edge MurphyMeyers promises to its clients.


Refinements to identity solved for delivering a connective pattern and range of expressive color and type pairings that undulate from controlled to unexpected, consciously catered to the application and audience MurphyMeyers is engaging with.


We next progressed into strategy and content creation for a range of digital marketing tools for strengthened firm promotion, from a revamped Capabilities Deck to specialty and everyday stationery, branded tangibles, and rotating social graphic templates.


The MurphyMeyers brand shines brightest on its new website, a banner capstone of visual impact and demonstrated purpose from the founder’s heart to the reader, with care.

The result: a scaleable, emotive site experience that educates, empowers and encourages portfolio discovery and reassured reason to invest.

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Discovery and Competitive Analysis

Brand Positioning and Messaging Development

Visual Identity Development

Tangible and Digital Brand Extensions

Web Design and Development

Team Credits



Workplace Interiors


Always on, Let’s Connect.®

Nimble. selectively takes on multi-faceted projects and consulting engagements that align to our core values and present the highest form of mutual value add for both our clients and communities at large.

If you feel we could be a great partner, we’d love to connect.

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