Celebrating One Year with AMB
This quarter, we’re celebrating Design Director Alyshia M. Bradshaw (AMB)’s first workiversary at Nimble. Her unmatched eye for detail, empathetic voice for her team, and discipline to push for new solutions always are just a few of the many qualities that we love about having Alyshia as a leader.
Learn more about AMB’s first year with Nimble. in this 2-minute Q&A below.
In a few words––
01. Year one has been…
AMB: Full, to say the least. From momentous change (hello, cross-country move!) to welcoming and onboarding new faces, while learning in tandem with our team and actively soaking up new knowledge.
02. Year two will be...
AMB: A year of practice in place.
03. Largest learning curve:
AMB: Hands down, signage. But, also the most enjoyable.
04. Proudest moment to-date:
AMB: The Uptown Atlanta micro-site, my first (mostly) solo Webflow project. Learning and designing within a new platform took both patience (with myself) and tenacity.
More importantly, I was reminded of the value of stepping away or leaning on the knowledge of team to provide fresh perspective.
05. Most helpful skillset learned:
AMB: Continually honing daily, but scale(!), specifically when designing for the built environment.
Alyshia in her typical studio flow - mindmappin’ away
06. Mindset or perception retired:
AMB: Working with a singular focus (ie., marketing) in favor of thinking with a multi-disciplinary lens (eg., from brand to marketing to environmental).
07. Project that has brought you joy:
AMB: The next one. That is to say that each project where I have been a collaborator, whether active lead or participant, has brought me joy—from the opportunity to learn or flex new skills or watch our team members’ individual talents flourish.
08. Challenge that you look forward to tackling:
AMB: Continuing to foster growth and learning within our design team.
Thanks for reading this special edition entry. For questions or to add to the conversation, contact us at hello@nimbledesignco.com.