The Living Tension of Change | A Special Edition of On Record
In late October we gathered for a beloved tradition at Nimble., our Offline Retreat. Three days of mutual departure from our devices to focus on team and mindset shift. This year’s retreat was centered on two critical links: 1) breaking down curiosities and 2) fostering a united team all-in on goals, knows and go's for 2022.
2021 has been a year of dynamic change for Nimble. New roles, new team members and a growing commitment to reducing learning curve in order to strengthen speed and impact. It’s been a difficult year filled with continual shift and assessment. Finding our rhythm again in a rebounding business climate, it’s difficult to assess the full weight of the pandemic on our routines, rituals and mental health. Culture feels different because WE are now different. Forever changed by the present force of change still rippling in our industry and communities at-wide. It’s an unavoidable tension centered in our headspace. Made cloudy by the presence of news and industry chatter; made clearer with bold action and the positivity of return to some inkling of normalcy (xyz company returns to the workplace). Newton’s cradle IRL.
The uncomfortable truth is, while we’ve (you too?) remained ‘busier than ever’ this year, driven by our work and the clients who entrust us to push ourselves to full return, we’re still in active pursuit of revival.
At the start of 2021, we consciously chose ‘Revival’ as our driving Word of the Year, an annual tradition where we select an all-encompassing word to guide our well-being and business actions. A re-focuser in times of stress and a guiding light in times of decision-making.
Scenes from our 2021 Offline Retreat
Our [30’ Hacker-Craft Triple Cockpit] ride for the first evening
Revival is our driver to continue impacting, despite lulls and rocks, in response to change.
Revival through investment — of time, of resources and of the heart remains our goal.
Going analog for one of many screen-free ‘All Minds’ sessions
Alyshia, Maria and Lauren on the water
At the retreat, we covered 2019 vs. 2021 ‘By the Numbers’. As a mission-driven business, we look at impact first as our dashboard measurable. Clients served, communities entered, design specialties flexed. This is always a study observed in celebration — of conquered milestones and shared achievement.
On the ‘numbers’ side, however, we, like most small businesses are still in mindful chase of return. Rebound requires intentional slow down. Revival requires united stretch. We are in the throws of both, teetering consciously as result of the living tension of change. Sharing financials is an uncomfortable act. As a sole owner, I am vested in our team, their families, their future. But I cannot shield them from the weights of rebound. It’s a critical chapter in our story and a challenge we will mend only together.
As we head into Thanksgiving week, a time for tradition (together again) and open gratitude, I, on behalf of our full studio team, share our deep appreciation. We are incredibly thankful for your kind words, your vision, your presence and the wild and honored opportunity to show up, pursue better and iterate daily.
We wish you all a healthy holiday season ahead. Thank you for your partnership, your unwavering support and your listening ear.
To revival, leap by leap,